Targeted Technologies for Sustainable Food Systems
28-30 November 2016 | Vienna, Austria
The 30th EFFoST International Conference was held in Vienna, Austria from 28-30 November 2016 under the theme ‘Targeted Technologies for Sustainable Food Systems'. The conference was organised by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) on behalf of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology.
The 2016 conference explored solutions to current and future challenges such as food and water security, sustainable agriculture, food safety, convenience and health derived from the targeted application of appropriate food- and bio-processing technologies also taking into account economic and ethical aspects. The river Danube and the whole Danube region served as a guiding theme for the conference reflected some of above mentioned challenges and science based technological solutions in particular.
Conference Topics
- Emerging agricultural concepts and use of new raw materials for sustainable food production
- Water management and resource efficient food processing in the Danube region and beyond
- Food safety - analysis, control and prevention of microbial and chemical contaminants in food
- New paths for targeted food processing - design of new and re-evaluation of traditional techniques and ingredients
- Non-thermal technologies and process combinations - analytic approaches and mechanistic insights
- Food and health - food composition, structure design, digestion and ingredient bioavailability, gut microbiome
- Sensor technology and quality monitoring during processing and storage
- Modeling and simulation of food matrix properties and processing technologies
- Food consumer science - sensory perception, emerging consumer needs and expectations
- Microencapsulation for food applications - special topic endorsed by BRG
- Food security and sustainability in the perspective of cereals and grains - special topic endorsed by ICC
- Regulations and legislation for food safety, quality and innovation - special topic endorsed by GHI
- Inspection and analysis of food (micro)structures - special topic endorsed by TomFood
- New perspectives and novel insights on chemical composition of foods – special topic endorsed by EuCheMS
Please visit for information on the next EFFoST International Conference.