28th EFFoST International Conference 2014

Innovations in Attractive and Sustainable Food for Health

25-28 November 2014 | Uppsala, Sweden |


The 28th EFFoST International Conference was held Uppsala, Sweden from 25-28 November 2014, together with the 7th International Conference on the Food Factory for the Future, under the theme 'Innovations in Attractive and Sustainable Food for Health'. The conference was organised by Food Science Sweden (FSS) and The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA) on behalf of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST).


Conference topics
  • Food and Health: health-promoting bioactive compounds in foods
  • Processes/technologies for the design of foods with added value
  • Resource efficient technologies and production systems: water, energy, byproducts
  • Environmental assessment of food production and consumption
  • Safety throughout the food chain: hygienic design and contamination control
  • Efficient manufacturing processes: robotics, automation & food control

Please visit www.effostconference.com for information on the next EFFoST International Conference.

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