A regional grouping representing IUFoST in Europe
- Purpose
- Specific Objectives
- Guiding principles
- Membership
- Organization
- Activities
- Finance
- Revisions
EFFoST is the federation of European Food Science and Technology which has in membership appropriately constituted national groupings of professional organizations and societies in the various countries of Europe having an interest in food science and technology, called adhering bodies and also to any societies with an interest in food science and technology. EFFoST is the European regional grouping of IUFoST (The International Union of Food Science and Technology) which is the international organization representing food science and technology.
Its primary purposes are to:
- Provide a framework for co-operation among national, regional and global professional societies and their members
- Enhance Food Science and Technology (S&T) competencies in Europe
- Improve public understanding of Food S&T
Specific Objectives
- To promote contact and understanding between food professionals in industry, universities, research organizations, consumer organizations, governments and the European Commission
- To promote rapid technology development and transfer from ideas/research into industrial applications to improve European competitiveness, carefully taking into consideration consumer acceptability as well as wholesomeness, safety and environmental aspects
- To promote professional development and educational excellence within Food Science and Technology
- To promote harmonization of food science education and food legislation/enforcement programmes throughout Europe and, through co-operation with the other branches and organizations of IUFoST, promote global harmonization.
- To stimulate collaborative R&D networks of professionals within Europe, aimed at co-operation and sharing of knowledge and to promote the availability of wholesome food products anywhere and at any time.
Guiding principles
EFFoST will work closely with member societies and organisations to ensure that activities are synergistic, building on expertise and initiative at the local level. Food Science and Technology will have a very broad definition and include disciplines ranging from nutrition to process engineering.
EFFoST recognises that there are many governmental and other organisations with Food S&T interests in Europe, such as the European Commission and the European Food Safety Authority. It is not the intention to compete but rather to work with such organisations and to provide inputs on behalf of the EFFoST membership.
EFFoST will make particular efforts to respond to consumer concerns and needs for information by working with consumer organisations.
EFFoST will take into consideration activities outside Europe when planning its own activities and will seek to co-operate with organisations internationally.
EFFoST will be a flexible and pragmatic organisation that relies largely on voluntary efforts towards meeting its aims and objectives. Members of societies will be encouraged to engage directly in EFFoST activities and to work closely with the Executive Committee.
Sponsorship for secretariat costs will be sought from a variety of sources, including industry. Other sources of funding for activities will in addition be sought by generating surpluses from events and publications.
EFFoST is a non-governmental body and is open to all European professional organisations and societies with an interest in Food S&T, and also to appropriately constitute national groupings of such societies (so called adhering bodies).
EFFoST may introduce other categories of membership from time to time (industrial members, individual members). These will not have voting rights at a General Assembly.
Members may resign on giving notice to the Secretariat.
A. EFFoST consists of:
- General Assembly of member organisations
- Executive Committee
- Officers (President and President-Elect)
- Special Issue Groups and/or other functioning bodies to carry out programmes
- The Secretariat
- An EFFoST Foundation established under the laws of the Netherlands for the purposes of legal and financial security of EFFoST
- Other members
B. General Assembly
This body, made up of nominated delegates from the member organisations, shall have final authority with respect to all general matters of policy for, and action by, EFFoST.
Each member organisation shall have one vote at General Assembly, to be exercised by a nominated delegate. Additional delegates may attend General Assembly but have no voting rights.
Resolutions of the General Assembly, adopted by the majority vote of the delegates present and voting, concerning scientific-technical co-operation shall be advisory in nature, and shall be carried out in accordance with the laws of the countries involved and under conditions and opportunities available there.
The responsibilities of the General Assembly shall include the following:
- receiving reports from the Executive Committee
- electing officers and members of the Executive Committee
- considering and advising on the medium and long term strategy and its implementation
The General Assembly shall normally be held every two years at a venue nominated by the Executive Committee. Extraordinary meetings may be held at such places and times as determined by the Executive Committee.
Decisions by the General Assembly shall be determined by a simple majority of voting delegates (one per member organisation). In the event of a tie the Chairman shall have an additional casting vote.
The General Assembly is considered held if 10 or more member organisations are present, and representing at least 6 different countries.
Notice of the time and place of the General Assembly shall be issued not less than six months in advance. A draft agenda and relevant draft papers shall be circulated not less than two months before Meetings.
C. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the officersand up to ten additional members from member organisations. All will normally serve four year terms. Members shall preferably be drawn from different nationalities. The Executive Committee may co-opt members to replace those who have resigned or otherwise withdrawn for the remainder of the terms involved, or to co-opt members with specific expertise to advance the business of EFFoST. Every member of the Executive Committee will be allocated a specific responsibility or responsibilities within EFFoST.
The President may identify further specific posts within the Executive Committee as the need arises and allocate these in consultation with Committee members.
The Executive Committee shall, have such powers as shall be delegated to it by the General Assembly to ensure the fulfilment of the decisions of that group. Its primary duty shall be the
Responsibility for the conduct of the official affairs of EFFoST between meetings of the General Assembly. This includes such specific responsibilities as the adoption of budgets upon the recommendation of the Treasurer, and general oversight of the actions of the Officers, Special Issue Groups and other working parties. The Executive Committee is also authorised to select the time and place of European conferences and such other meetings as are sponsored by the EFFoST and to assist host countries with plans and preparations for these meetings. The Executive Committee is also authorised to act on applications for membership of EFFoST.
To expedite its business, the Executive Committee may invite on an occasional basis such persons as it chooses to attend its meetings and/or to present information without being a member (or co-opted member) of the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall meet as and when necessary, but normally twice a year.
The Executive Committee may remove an officer or ordinary Executive Committee member from their role because of inability to carry out their duties and functions provided 75% of the Executive Committee members vote for such an action. An Executive Committee member who is absent from all meetings of the committee for a period of 1 year, other than for reasons of illness, will be deemed to have resigned from the Executive Committee.
D. Officers
The General Assembly shall elect the following officers for two year terms:
- President (automatic progression from President-elect position )
- President elect
The President shall appoint the Treasurer and General Secretary from the membership of the Executive Committee, and in consultation with the members of this Committee.
One person may serve simultaneously as General-Secretary and Treasurer.
The General Secretary and the Treasurer may be appointed for two successive two year terms.
The mailing address of the Secretariat shall normally be considered the official address of EFFoST.
E. EFFoST Foundation
An EFFoST Foundation has been established under the laws of the Netherlands for the legal and financial matters of EFFoST. This body may only act on the specific direction of the Executive Committee of EFFoST. The Board of the Foundation will ideally have the same officers as EFFoST but may have others for operational convenience. The Foundation will make a brief report to each meeting of the Executive Committee. The foundation will normally be the body that will sign legally binding contracts on behalf of EFFoST but may only do so on instruction from the Executive Committee.
EFFoST shall undertake activities consistent with the purpose and Specific Objectives above mentioned.
It shall hold such workshops, symposia and seminars as it may deem to serve the purposes itemised in sections I and II of this Constitution and may also undertake such publications and other activities as is deems necessary for furthering these purposes.
The General Assembly shall review the need for membership fees, taking into account the financial needs of EFFoST.
EFFoST and its Foundation may receive funds raised lawfully for its administrative functions in the form of grants, subventions from conference or other funds arising from EFFoST’s scientific activities or by other means deemed appropriate by its Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual report for submission to the Executive Committee and the accounts of EFFoST shall be subject to audit.
This Constitution may be reviewed and amended by the General Assembly on petition from three or more member organisations, or from the Executive Committee, subject to at least two-thirds of the delegate’s present and voting being in favor. Petitions proposing amendments must be received by the Secretariat at least sixty days before a scheduled General Assembly and notified to delegates at least twenty days before said meeting.
The Executive Committee shall have powers to instruct the modus operandi of the Office from time to time with immediate effect following a meeting of the Executive Committee at which they are agreed. The Following General Assembly shall be informed accordingly.
November 11, 2009