Safe Food for Europe – recent scientific and regulatory developments

March 22, 2017

The 6th FOODSEG Symposium „Safe Food for Europe – recent scientific and regulatory developments“ will take place in Vienna, Austria on 11th and 12th of May 2017.


Why should you join?

International Brokerage Event

This „speed-dating“ matchmaking event is a quick and easy way to meet potential cooperation partners in a short time, through prearranged personal meetings. Register and publish your profile in order to gain maximum visibility and requests to meet.

Interesting lectures

Experts from academia, industry and regulatory bodies will present current news and results from their work. Creative sessions will bring added value when initiating new H2020 projects.

Project Slam Competition

Participants have the opportunity to present their research or innovation project to the audience in the form of a short pitch (5 min), get rated by the audience and the three first ones win a prize. Dissemination opportunities are given for presenting flyers, brochures, roll-ups and posters about the projects.

Click here for more information.


The FOODSEG network is a follow up network based on the completed FP7 Project FOODSEG. FOODSEG mainly focuses on bringing people together in order to initiate cooperations, technology and know-how transfer and common research and innovation projects. It is also a platform to disseminate results from EU-funded and other projects.


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