Young EFFoST Day 2023 - programme out now

September 08, 2023

The sixth edition of the Young EFFoST Day will be held the morning before the official start of the EFFoST2023 conference. It is an exciting day packed with inspiring talks, an interactive programme and tasty food for young food professionals working in academia, industry and/or start ups.

Young EFFoST day is an excellent opportunity for students and young food scientists from academia, industry, and start-ups to expand their professional network! The day consists of interactive activities including inspiring talks and networking.

We are pleased to announce that the programme of Young EFFoST Day 2023 has been finalised. Register here, to join this event to expand your professional network in food science.

For whom: Young food professionals working in academia, industry and/or start-ups

When: Monday 6 November 2023, 08:30 - 14:00 

Where: Palacio de Congresos Valencia

Young EFFoST Day 2023 Programme:

8:30-9:00        Registration

9:00-9:30        WelcomeDolores O'Riordan, President of the EFFoST Board

9:15-10:00      Short talks, Chair: Felix Schottroff, University of Natural Resources and Life                               Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Young EFFoST Chair

10:00-10:30    Refreshment Break 

10:30-12:30    Career path insights: industry, academia and non-profit organizations

                       - Amparo Querol, IATA-CSIC, Spain

                       - Mª José Muñoz Garcés, AIMPLAS - Technological Institute of Plastics, Spain 

                       - María Blázquez Blázquez, FarmaMundi NGO, Spain 

                       - Representative from Importaco, Spain

                        Closing of Young EFFoST Day

12:30-14:00  Young EFFoST Day Lunch

The Young EFFoST day 2023 is organized by Mara Calleja Gómez, Yixuan Liu , Albert Sebastià Duque from University of Valencia and Manuel Bernabeu Lorenzo researcher at the Institute of Agrochemistry and FoodTechnology (IATA-CSIC). 

Find the latest updates about the Young EFFoST Day 2023 here.

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