EFFoST2020 Panel Discussion – Does “Green” equal “Sustainability”?

October 29, 2020

EFFoST working group on Sustainable Food will be hosting a discussion on the use of the terms "green" and 'sustainable' and how to move from buzzwords to the impactful assessment of food manufacturing practices. Join us on Wednesday 11 November at EFFoST2020.

Sustainability has become a bit of a buzzword of late. One that is used and often misused in many different contexts. Without doubt, it is an important concept, however, it has started to lose its meaning. Sustainable food represents a combination of factors including aspects of food production, its distribution, packaging and consumption. Resource usage, environmental impact and animal agriculture, as well as health considerations and social and economic impact, all affect sustainability. This round table session will discuss the different facets of sustainable food, trying to identify key areas for research and development and reflecting on available tools for a useful impact assessment of food manufacturing practices.


  • Anet Rezek Jambrak, Head of Laboratory for Sustainable Development at the University of Zagreb, Croatia
  • Hugo de Vries, Research Director at INRA, France
  • Sergiy Smetana, Head of Food Data Group at the German Institute of Food Technologies, Germany
  • Henry Jäger, Professor of Food Technology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria
  • Felix Schottroff, Post-Doc at the Institute of Food Technology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Austria

This panel discussion is organised by the EFFoST working group on Sustainable Food that is chaired by Henry Jäger and Felix Schottroff, from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna. Find more information and join the working group here.

The 34th EFFoST International Conference will explore the theme 'Bridging high-tech, food-tech and health: Consumer-oriented innovations'EFFoST2020 will be hosted by Technion, Israel Institute of Technology and held online from 10-12 November.

Make sure to register! Find the latest information on the EFFoST2020 Conference website


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