We are delighted to have Dolores O’Riordan, president of the EFFoST Board, together with Tara Grauwet from KU Leuven & Frank Devlieghere, from Ghent University, kick off these two and a half days of interactive food science and technology presentations from speakers from all around the world. The program opens with an exceptional lineup of plenary speakers from leading Belgian companies, exploring innovations in traditional Belgian foods.
Across the main scientific program, there will be over 180 presentations held in 32 parallel sessions. These sessions cover five core sub-themes, each of which is uniquely color-coded for your convenience:

In parallel, there will be 13 special sessions in total, 12 of them showcasing EU project results and fostering collaborations between them. On top of that, the EYE mentorship programme will be kicked off for the second round.
Our goal for EFFoST2024 goes however beyond academic discourse. We aim to broaden the impact of this conference, bridging the gap between science and society. As part of this, we’ve designed four dynamic interactive sessions, addressing topics such as ‘Food Science and Technology in Society,’ ‘EU Scientific Policy,’ ‘Novel Food Policies,’ and ‘The Future of Education.’
The poster presentations on Tuesday and Wednesday will feature over 415 posters, enabling direct discussions with presenters. Each day, approximately 200 posters will be displayed, organized by sub-theme and topic for easy browsing. Poster sessions will take place right after lunch and last for one hour, with additional viewing time during refreshment breaks.
Don’t miss the networking highlights! Join us at the welcome reception on Tuesday, November 12, participate in the PubQuiz in the Exhibition Hall during the reception, and attend the elegant Gala Dinner at the historic Provinciaal Hof.
You can find the complete programme here.